Vileda Professional brings a new level of hygiene to hospitals: The SafePlus cleaning solution.
The OECD/European Union estimates that about 90,000 people in the EU die each year from healthcare associated infections. Large parts of these infections are considered preventable through better infection prevention and thorough cleaning.
That’s why Vileda Professional invented the most hygienic and safe solution for surface cleaning and disinfection: The new SafePlus cleaning solution dispenses single use microfibre wipes in their safest way. Both dispenser sizes, Mini and Maxi, are the first with an antibacterial self-closing lid. Together with the leading cleaning performance of single use microfibre wipes this solution achieves the highest grades in hygiene.
SafePlus brings the Plus in Hygiene.
Each SafePlus MicronRoll wipe cleans and disinfects at the same time and achieves the highest grades in cleanliness. 99.98 % of bacteria and germs are removed from surfaces, without disinfectants*. The wipes are designed for rapid and most hygienic cleaning of all surfaces, even in high-risk areas, and to avoid the risk of cross-contamination.
SafePlus brings the Plus in Functionality.
The SafePlus Dispenser is the safest and most innovative dispenser system from Vileda Professional. The rolls of wipes are sealed in polybags and fit perfectly into the dispensers, providing additional security during preparation, use and storage. The cleaning personal adds any cleaning agent or disinfectant of your choice and bring hygiene to highest level.
SafePlus brings the Plus in Safety.
The innovative closing system provides extra safety and functionality. Its antibacterial self-closing flexible lid guarantees that the dispensers will be never left open again. Certified antibacterial properties on the flexible lid ensure that the flexible lid remains antibacterial even after 80x.